Not So Lean Spending Day

As you can see on our Super Lean Spending Month Calendar today was NOT a Super Lean Spending Day.  We spent a whopping $424.87

Grocery shopping was about normal ($135.08)  It might be a little more than usual since we are planning to eat all meals at home this week and take a lunch every day to work.

Household goods was excessive ($269.26)  BUT we did purchase 2 new skillets that should last a “lifetime” haha  and an olive oil dispenser.  We are using money we set aside from Christmas for these items but according to the budget, they are purchases this month.

Entertainment was a new DVD (Hell or High Water, $12.92) that if it is as good as the reviews lead us to believe, we will watch it more than once and will loan it to those who want to borrow it.

Work related was a wireless mouse for John’s new work Surface Pro.  He really hates using the mouse pad on the keyboard and for $7.61 it is worth it.  You would think our employers would pay for this but they don’t.

How is your budget looking for the month?  Will it be leaner than usual this month?  Ours isn’t looking too lean at this point!  We did have 2 of the first 5 days as no spending!   Gotta count the successes!!

Also joining us in this Super Lean Spending Month Challenge are Life as I Interpret It and The Minimalists Next Door.