How Many Miles Have I Walked in 2018??

As you may recall, I got an Apple iWatch Labor day weekend.  I’ve been faithfully wearing it to track my steps.  The only drawback I have is that the app that comes with it (Activity) doesn’t calculate a total for the month or an average for the month.

To solve that issue I use the Accupedo app.  It records all the stuff from my watch/Health app but also totals the steps for the week, month, and year into a nice graph.  Love this app!


Unfortunately I still have to add up the miles manually using the “History” information.  Easy enough to do, just annoying.  You can also tell when I changed from using my phone as my pedometer to the watch.

So here are my totals for 2018 since getting this awesome “pedometer”:

I can’t believe I’ve walked 235 miles!  If 4 months was 235 miles, a year would be 705 miles.

GOAL FOR 2019 is 1,000 miles!

Finally a “pedometer” I like!

Years ago, I purchased the Jawbone UP.  It worked perfectly until it didn’t!  The company sent a replacement for it since it was under warranty.  Again, it worked perfectly until it didn’t.  I liked it so much John got the UP24.  I upgraded to the UP2 that latched and then that one failed.  Trying to replace the new one coincided with the downfall of the company and they never sent a replacement (so sad – it really was a decent device.)  We both like the app and features offered.


John was getting tired of his UP catching on things and wanted to upgrade.  With all the UP drama,  John opted for a FitBit Surge.  It has been a very dependable device for him.  John recently upgraded to a FitBit Versa and LOVES it!

Sorry no pic of his watch/tracker.

I tried finding a pedometer app for my phone that had many of the features I liked on the UP.  I have tried too many pedometer apps to document.  They all have slightly different features.  The downfall is that you need to carry your phone with you for every step since they use GPS tracking.  Now the search was on for an armband.  This also didn’t work as well as I had hoped.  Something about doing EVERYTHING with the armband on was annoying.

But I think I have found my favorite activity tracker – an iWatch 3!  I really didn’t want a fitbit when we were making the transition.  It seemed too ugly and big.  So here I am with a watch face that is definitely larger than the fitbit but so much more versatile.  It’s comfortable too!  I also picked the Sport Loop band instead of the traditional Sport Band.   I’m so glad I waited!

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I’ve had the iWatch for a month now – purchased on September 1 intentionally.

I walked 55.79 miles in September.  121,617 steps according to the Accupedo app (that’s a separate post)  I moved about 4053 steps a day.  Not perfect but it gives me a baseline to work with.

Now to get back up to my 10,000 steps a day!